Thursday, January 3, 2008

When it rains it pours...

Sometimes it feels like Leukemia is some kind of bug that is going around. I swear during my first week in the hospital it felt like everytime I turned on the tv I would see a new story about a young girl relapsing, a recent college grad in a clinical trial, or a father of 2 looking for a donor. I know my ears are hyper sensitive to the L-word, but I just wonder how come so many young people are being diagnosed with this disease that is mainly suppose to infect the elderly.

Through this website I have been contacted by 2 families that are also looking for bone marrow donors. Unfortunately, both patients have relapsed after just a few rounds of chemotherapy. Their doctors are trying to use very potent chemo to get them back into remission, but only a bone marrow transplant will cure them. It makes me very happy that I can help them directly by providing them with the information that I have learned along the way during my own treatment.

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