Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Anthony has left us

Anthony was a very sweet 24 year old. He was a wonderful son (mom said he never ever caused her any grief whatsoever) and a caring older brother. He met the love of his life, Carol An, just a month before he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in June. With his family and girlfriend by his side, Anthony went into his chemo treatment with courage, bravery and hope.

He had a great voice and loved to sing. Unfortunately, by the time I met Anthony he was too weak to sing a song. (I first met him after Carol An found my website and sent an email to me in November.) Whenever he was awake in his hospital room he would put on a cheerful face and his eyes would twinkle. He would joke with his girlfriend and tease his nurses. Anthony was even apologetic when he would wake up from a nap to discover visitors in his room - as if he should entertain his guests even in his dire state. He never showed any fear to me despite the fact that he was under an enormous amount of pain.

I can't believe Anthony is gone. He was diagnosed less than 8 months ago. There is no rhyme or reason why some people make it and others don't. This is a situation where that cliche old saying "Life isn't fair" comes to mind.

I am only comforted by the fact that he is no longer suffering. He was a good person through and through and his life was taken away from him much too soon.

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