Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A letter from a Volunteer

Elise (aka Hoang Cuc) came to the Chua An Lac drive to volunteer and help Chi Hang's search. Elise went to UCLA with Chi Hang's husband, Anh Tai. Co Elise was a breathe of fresh air. She was motivated, energetic, sweet, caring and friendly. She spent the entire day with us and was fantastic at walking people through the process and convincing them to register. Here is her summary of the event. Great letter...I couldn't have said it better myself.

Hi Friends, Phat duong dieu dat do tu bi Tuy la. khong quen van kiem tim Tram huong phong toa long nhan ai Goi ghem tu tam duom chut tinh.... It was a warm, beautiful day here in San Jose. The sun radiated such warmth and kindness from above. The smell of incense burning at the outside altar, from the temple's courtyard filled our hearts with love and hopes of life for Hang, Vinh, Michelle. Today's marrow drive (01/13/2008) for Hang, Vinh, Michelle was another successful event at Chua An Lac, San Jose. I arrived at the temple at about 11:00 am. Today, quite a crowd of people gathered at the temple just for the event, just to register to be tested as donors for Hang/Vinh/Michelle. We didn't have to chase after anyone to convince or twist their arms. I admit.. Yesterday, when I drove around the area looking for Chua An Lac, I was a bit worried since I noticed that the temple was situated in a residential area. Today, I was amazed at such a great turnout! We registered about 101, or 102 persons from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm, maybe the count was even higher. To be exact, will have to get the final number from Glenna/Jenny of AADP org. Toward the end, after we closed down everything, after cleared the tables, there were still people driving into the courtyard. Today's event could not have been a success without the help of many... many people, of Su Ba who blessed this drive at the temple, especially the dedication of chi Hoang Mong Thu who poured her heart out pledging for Hang/Vinh/Michelle on local VN radio, of the help from AADP, of Michelle & her friend, of the volunteers who showed up just to lend helping hands... It was great to see Michelle so pretty and cute, in her raven black short hair. After 5 rounds of chemo, Michelle is now well on her way toward wellness.

Today, I experienced many, many touching moments... A couple of caucasian women in the late 40's, 50's showed up to register, such hearts of gold they have! I asked one of the lady how did she hear of the marrow drive. She told me she found out from the internet and just came out to register. Few weeks ago, she even droved up to the Berkeley temple but got lost or somehow couldn't find it... There was one handicapped and blind Viet man who could barely walk on his own, he came just from hearing chi Mong Thu's pledge on radio. There were people who came to register because their loved ones passed away with Leukemia, or their family member is currently diagnosed with this disease and they are seeking for support.
Today, I learned there are so many other Vietnamese people of similar plight but are afraid to reach out to the community for help. Tai, there was this Vietnamese man (anh Hung Vo) who came to register for test. He heard from Michelle that I know Hang and handed me a $100 bill, asked me to please send his money to Hang. This was what he said to me: "I only work as car-body shop repairman but I feel for their situation..." There was this elderly man who specifically asked to register for Hang only! There was this mother who took her 2 children along to register (alas... too bad her children were both under 18, she probably missed the information about the requirement for test).... etc ... All in all, I was so touched by the many hearts of gold I met at the marrow drive today.... Tai, Hang oi, please hang in there, please know that over here in San Jose, there are lot...lot...lots of people who are touched, who feel the pain and suffering that you both are experiencing! These were some of their sincere words: "Minh khong biet giup duoc gi, nhung thay tinh canh co ta ma thay thuong qua!" It is even more heart-felt when the words come from the people who barely know this couple residing on the other side of the country. Tai, the people I met today conveyed to you both their well-wishing. Please send Hang their hope & love to fuel Hang with higher mental strength in her fight for cure. Thank You Michelle, cam on chi Mong Thu da tan tinh het suc giup do and everyone who participated at today's event. Definitely, Tai/Hang, our SoCal UCLA friends will appreciate all the help they received from the volunteers/testers/all who came out to today's marrow drive. Please accept my apology if I omit anyone... Cam on Su Ba, ong Ngo Sy Hung who came for support, Jenny Tran/Glenna from AADP org, Michelle and her friend who administered the cheeks cells test step, Vu - another volunteer I met there who showed up just from listening to chi. Hoang Mong Thu's pledge on radio, my friends Van, Lieu and all the registered testers. Please help forward this email to anyone I miss. You can view pix of today's marrow drive at:

P.S. Tai, please email me your home address so can forward you anh Hung Vo's monetary help. I did take his address. To help you with the load, I will send him a thank-you card on your behalf, don't worry. Will send you his details... P.P.S. To the Bay Area residents, Chi Mong Thu will inform when the next marrow drive will be. If you miss today's event, there is still time to help. Please come out to support at the next drive, scheduled to be at Lion's plaza, either 1 week before Vietnamese Tet.. or will let you know.... -Hoang Cuc

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