Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My mom and brother drove up to SF to have lunch with Mabel and me at a Chinese restaurant as we are scrambling to deal with all of this. My fortune cookie said, "It always takes longer to get there than to get back." What the heck does that mean? To me, it sounds like I am going to have a rocky road ahead of me, but once I get through everything it'll be easy to get back to my regular (but wonderful) life.

Well we just found out that there's a new massive landslide obstructing my way on this road to recovery. My oncologist just told me that MRI results showed that I have a mass on the left frontal lobe of my brain. He doesn't suspect that this is related to my leukemia relapse....but many things can go wrong at once??? He thinks it's a Meningioma, but doesn't know. We are praying that it's benign. Strangely, my oncologist doesn't think this mass is related to the double vision I have when I lean my head to the left. I have been crying and laughing awkwardly for the last 3 hours about this turn of events. I just can't believe this is all happening. It's like a crazy episode from Gray's Anatomy....

I have a consultation with the neurosurgeon in Redwood City tomorrow morning and if everything is good I will go into surgery on Friday morning for a biopsy of the mass. Tomorrow afternoon I have a consultation in Antioch regarding my surgery to put in my groshong. We will be driving all around the bay to get this show on the road.

Please keep me in your thoughts. I need all of the prayers and warm wishes I can get. My tears have dried up and I am very anxious to get everything figured out ASAP. What can I say... I'm scared sh*tless, but hanging in there.

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