Friday, April 11, 2008

Back to the Grind

Life is slowly becoming "normal" again. I've been back at my job for 5 weeks now. It's been a smooth transition so far and I can't wait to get an assignment so I can see how well my brain is functioning. I know my spelling and grammar has deteriorated a bit. I wonder if it's the chemo brain or just me being rusty on the keyboard. Amen for spell checker though! I am working part time until the beginning of May. The four day weekends are fantastic, but go by really fast. :P

My colleagues have been so supportive through this whole ordeal. I can imagine how crappy it must be for someone that has to worry about work while going through chemo treatment. They welcomed me back with open arms and a special lunch.

I had a very relaxing time in Spain and I am itching to travel again. It was the most relaxing time I've ever had in Europe. The credit goes to my best friend, Ms. Optimistic Go with the Flow Yoshimoto. What would I do without her???? She always keeps me so grounded. Pictures of Barcelona are shown.

Shortly after my trip to Spain, I met Van's uncle who is a famous acupuncturist and he said that internal heat is bad for my health. He said "heat" stems from worrying, stressing or getting upset. I really felt like he knew me too well. What the heck am I going to do with my free time if I eliminate my 3 favorite past times???

Despite many lectures about stressing, the control freak in me creeps in from time to time especially now that I have a "normal" life again. Don't get me wrong, I think my stress levels are way down, but it's hard not to think (a.k.a. worry) about my career, personal finances, job assignments, my family, my dog, what if I relapse, etc, etc. Sometimes it amazes me how little I have changed. I guess it's not really in my nature to do a 180, but I just wonder how people can cut the stress out of their lives.

On another note, I have started taking bikram yoga classes with Mabel and Van. I love the feeling I get after sweating like a dog for 90 minutes. Its so liberating, cleansing and calming. Hmmm perhaps I should become a yogi....nope that wouldn't work because my students would frustrate me if they couldn't do the position correctly. See?? Michelle has major issues.

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