Thursday, August 2, 2007

Maykin New Friends - Red Mystique

After round 3, I went home with some antibiotics to control my staph infection. Three days after getting discharged, I noticed that my cheeks looked very flushed and there were small red bumps on my arm. This soon exploded into a huge blotchy red mess all over my body. When I say all over...I mean allllll over. I felt like Mystique from X-Men, except instead of blue I was red and instead of hot like Rebecca Romjin, I looked like a lobster. My face swelled and my body was very hot and itchy. Turns out that I was allergic to the antibiotic Bactrim.

Interestingly, I took this drug after Round 2 and had no side effects. My doctor says that your body can become more sensitive to drugs over time. Good to know! I stopped taking Bactrim, loaded up on Benadryl and after 10 days the rash went away, but the red spots have turned into little dark spots...kind of like how skin looks when you are really cold. The doctor says it should completely go away with a little bit of time and sun.

Initially, I thought it was more funny than anything because I looked so ridiculous, but my poor mom definitely wasn't laughing. So far we've learned that I'm allergic to 3 antibiotics (2 we discovered during Round 2, and now Bactrim). The list of ailments and allergies keeps on getting longer and longer. We decided to give each new ailment an evil villain name. Luckily, I haven't made too many evil friends over the last 6 months and my fingers are crossed that Red Mystique will be the last wicked pal that comes to play.

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