Thursday, October 18, 2007

Missing Michelle

It has been a while since I've posted an entry. I've always said that it's very hard for me to write down my "feelings" on paper. Writing a post takes a lot longer for me than the average blogger. I erase about 50% of what I type because when I reread the material it just sounds lame, elementary or stupid. Written words don't flow from my fingers the way spoken words tend to spew out of my mouth (whether I want them to or not). I wish I was an amazing writer who could captivate my readers with earth-shattering, thought-provoking, profound and witty commentary on social issues, the meaning of life, and my "feelings." Honestly, I never would have considered writing in an online journal if it wasn't for Leuk. Please bear with me as my entries become more sporadic and infrequent. You really have to catch me on a good day when I'm feeling chatty for me to feel compelled to write something (this is one of those days).

Perhaps it's a good thing that I have less to say these days. That just means that my treatment is going so well I don't want to bore people with the minute details of Michelle's daily life. Honestly, it's not very exciting, but here's a breakdown if anyone's interested:

- draw blood every other day
- get transfusions if I'm low on platelets or red blood cells *No need since 10/4 when I got 2 units of blood :D
- take medicine twice a day
- try to rememer to eat 3 times a day
- try to remember to do my breathing/meditation exercises
- read other cancer patient's blogs
- send emails about bone marrow drives
- take care of my NEW puppy Marshawn Maykin (more about him in my upcoming entry)

Thanks everyone for visiting the site to look for my new posts. I know what it feels like to check someone's blog and be bummed that they haven't made a new post in a couple of days (or weeks). However, you can take my absence as a good sign that I am happily recuperating at home.

On a side note, I had my checkup appointment with my oncologist on 10/5 and he scheduled my next checkup for 11/2. He said that we are going to wait until all of my counts stabilize before he performs a bone marrow biopsy and takes out my groshong catheter. My white blood cells are still as stubborn as ever and they refuse to bounce back up. Luckily they are quite manageable with my Neupogen shots (more about this in my upcoming entry).

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