Thursday, October 18, 2007

I love technology


Sent: 10/17/2007 12:39 PM
To: Office of Dr. X
Subject: 10/17/07 WBC Count

Hi Dr. X,

I gave myself 2 shots on 10/10 and 10/11 like I normally do when my wbc dips. However, it looks like it's dipping again and today my wbc is 1.9 with an ANC of 874. Should I give myself another shot of Neupogen?

Also, today at my blood draw appt my nurse suggested that I get a flu shot. She said that it is okay for neutropenic patients to get the flu shot, so I opted to get one. Just wanted to let you know.

Lastly, I was hoping to fly to LA this weekend for the UCLA vs Cal football game. Do you think I am well enough to go?


RE: 10/17/07 WBC Count

To: Michelle K Maykin

From: Dr. X

Received: 10/17/07 3:30 PM

Yes, resume Neupogen PRN. I trust you and your understanding of your clinical state. Also, it's OK for you to go to LA.

----- Message -----

Above is a typical email that I send to my doctor whenever my counts are low so he can tell me how to proceed. I really appreciate the Kaiser email system because it is the easiest and fastest way to communicate with my oncologist. You can also get your blood results online so that you don't have to call the lab. It saves a lot of time. If only I could book my appointments online too.
As you can see, my white blood cells have not stabilized on their own yet. I am still giving myself periodical shots of Neupogen to boost my white blood cell counts. I am hoping by the end of this week my counts will stabilize. It's been a little over 4 weeks since my 5th round of chemo.

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