Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wedding Trip

For the Labor Day Weekend, I attended the wedding of my dear friends, Ami and Veeral at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Veeral is one of Van's best friends. I have always been a big fan of weddings, but unfortunately have missed 6 of them this year because of my illness. (I am one of those girls that can watch hours of The Wedding Story on TLC. Weddings are always full of excitement, drama, love and good food. What's not to love?)

We were very nervous that I wasn't going to be able to attend this wedding because my counts were still low from Round 4. Luckily, my oncologist gave me the approval to fly to Los Angeles to attend. It was by far the most spectacular bash I have ever been to (and may ever go to). We had a fantastic time not only because the lovebirds had thoughtfully planned out every single detail of the perfect party for their guests to enjoy, but also because there was an amazing sense of bond and positive energy throughout the weekend. The serotonin levels were off the charts!

Over 600 people gathered to celebrate the love between Ami and Veeral. I was very honored when Veeral recognized Van and me during his speech. It was a total surprise resulting in uncontrollable tears from the both of us. All of their friends and family showered us with unconditional love. Considering that Veeral and Ami are two of the most caring, thoughtful and loving people I know, it only made sense that their friends and family would be of the same pedigree.

For a short time, it made me forget about Leukemia, bone marrow drives, chemotherapy, blood draws, medicine, etc. It was an unforgettable experience.

Congratulations Newlyweds! I love you guys!

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