Thursday, July 12, 2007

Maykin a Difference

After months of delay, I have finally started a website to talk about my experience with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Initially, I didn't want to have an entire website dedicated to just felt so self-centered and I'm usually against online diaries...Aren't diaries/journals suppose to be something private and not for the whole world to see?

However, over the last couple of months I have spent hundreds of hours reading other Leukemia patients' websites to learn about their experiences and treatments. I have learned so much from these people and I am inspired by their determination, courage, bravery and honesty. Even though they are absolute strangers to me, I feel a strong bond and connection to them. I feel like I know some of these people better than I know my own relatives. (I sound like a stalker right now huh?) I realize that my battle with cancer is not unique and I want to share my experience with other Cancer Fighters so they can see that they are not alone either.

Also, I hope that reading my story will motivate people to get registered on the National Bone Marrow Registry. Leukemia does not discriminate. It can strike anyone at anytime. Leukemia patients are mothers, daughters, fathers, brothers, babies, grandparents, neighbors, rich, poor, Asians, Caucasians, Hispanics, etc....the list goes on an on. Please help us by becoming a committed bone marrow donor today.

1 comment:

Van said...

Not only do those that register help Cancer Fighters, but they also help themselves and their family.

This is because you are registering to help anyone that might need it now and in the future...and you'll be glad that others are registering now in case you or your family ever find themselves needing a BMT.

Don't believe me? 4 of our friends are looking for a Bone Marrow Transplant match right now. And they are all 27 or younger!